Bücher & Medien

Der Principalkommissar

The Principal Commissioner – forms and significance of socio-political representation in the House of Thurn und Taxis

  • Stöckl, Alexandra
  • Wilhelm Imkamp/Peter Styra (Ed.):
  • Thurn und Taxis Studies – New Series, Volume 10
  • Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2018
  • Length: 280 p.

The main task with which imperial principal commissioners were entrusted was to represent the emperor. But in discharging this duty, the principal commissioner at the Imperial Diet was not responsible for the emperor’s interests as a political representative; his task consisted instead of performing social duties to demonstrate imperial power and authority in and around the Imperial Diet. The Princes of Thurn und Taxis held the office of principal commissioners for more than half a century and therefore occupied a prominent position that was noticeably reflected in socio-political privileges. The Princely House was able to draw on significant economic resources, which enabled it to fulfil the duties of office within a powerful cultural framework that was fascinating for all estates of the empire.

Alexandra Stöckl, Dr. phil., born 1987, studied history and German. She was a doctoral student at the University of Regensburg from 2012 to 2015 and a scholar of the Franz-Marie-Christinen-Stiftung in the House of Thurn und Taxis. She has worked as public relations & communications manager since 2016.

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