Bücher & Medien

Der spanische Nachrichtenverkehr

Spanish communications in the age of chief postmaster Maffeo de Tassis (1518–1535)

  • Kirchner Vives, Clàudia
  • Wilhelm Imkamp/Peter Styra (Ed.):
  • Thurn und Taxis Studies – New Series, Volume 15
  • Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2021
  • Length: 222 p.

The management and control of communications has always meant – as it does to this day – monitoring economic and political information and is therefore a powerful task. Chief postmaster Maffeo de Tassis established the modern postal system in Habsburg Castile and Aragon during the first half of the 16th century. Besides the issues of how the Spanish postal system was structured, the main transport routes and how quickly the post was transported, this micro-study also investigates the particular forms of postal organisation that were established in the Spanish cities. In doing so, it reveals the innovations as well as the problems and competitive struggles of the Tassian postal service.

Clàudia Kirchner Vives, Dr. phil., born 1987, read history and archive studies in Tarragona, Regensburg and Madrid. She works as an archivist in the Association for Municipal Archive Preservation in the district of Regensburg.

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